We hope you'll love your purchase, but if not we're happy to provide you with a full refund or exchange.
How to get a refund or exchange
- Simply contact us with 14 days of receiving your item and let us know you want a refund.
- We'll confirm your purchase and ask you to return the item.
- Once the item has arrived back we'll issue your refund.
Please note: Unfortunately we cannot cover the cost of postage to return items. However, if an item is faulty or damaged on arrival we may use our discretion and offer you a refund or exchange without needing the item returned first.
How to cancel an order
We ship items the next working day in order to give you a short grace period to change your mind.
- Simply contact us and let us know you wish to cancel your order.
- We'll confirm your purchase and if we haven't dispatched your item yet, we'll cancel the order and give you a full refund.
- If your item has already been dispatched, we'll give you a return address. Simply send your item back to us and we'll give you a refund when it arrives.
Please note: Unfortunately we cannot cover the cost of postage to return cancelled items that have already been dispatched.